Allurium Gaming

Allurium Gaming Community donations

Donations from our members and the public make it possible to host the services we all use on a regular basis. These include our new website and allows for future game servers. Without donations, we would not be able to offer these services.

 Current Donator Benefits:

  • Donator Discord Tags
  • Donator Only Forums
  • Donator Only Game Giveaways
  • Special Mention On Thanks Page

Future Benefits:

  • In-Game Benefits

You can donate to the community a few ways. You can donate to us with Paypal or by using one of our affiliate links. Using Paypal is the fastest and most direct way to help the community. Using our affiliate links helps in an indirect way by providing us some resources from services you already use.

Donate Now With Paypal


Shop for things you already buy using one of our affiliate partners